
Are You Making Your Fruits & Veggies Less Healthy?

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Did you know that how you prepare your healthy fruits and healthy vegetables can have a huge impact on how really healthy they are? Whether you leave them raw or cooked can make a big difference. Roasting fruits and vegetables in the oven or the air fryer, sautéing vegetables in olive oil or just leaving them raw, it’s a little crazy to think that cooking can make some fresh vegetables even better for you while making other ones a little less nutrient-dense. But when the cost of fresh produce keeps going up and up, every little bit that we can do to get the biggest bang for our fresh produce buck is worth knowing about. It’s just another way to make eating the Mediterranean way every day that much more affordable and good for you.

So if you are interested in learning which ones are on my list, just click on the video below and watch it now!

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