
Time for Cava When the Clock Strikes 12


Once again, we are willing to sacrifice in the name of culinary research and substitute the traditional glass of Champagne for a copa de Cava this New Year’s Eve. On Nochevieja or old night, as New Year’s Eve is known in Spain, we will be armed with a glass of the local cava and a handful of grapes because New Year’s Eve is a celebration that comes with a bit of insurance.

On December 31st, when the clock signals the midnight hour, people eat one grape for every toll of the bell. The traditional grapes known as las doce uvas de la suerte are believed to ensure a bit of luck and no one would want to start the New Year without them. But following those grapes, Spaniards like to wash them down with the best bubbly they can find. And with every new year, their choices for first-class Cava, as sparkling wine is known in Spain, get better and better.

To be well-prepared for the event, Jorge and I visited the best store we could find stocked with examples from top Catalan producers. Not too surprisingly, they also offer French Champagne for locals who feel the need to spend extra cash on anything imported. But we were up for the special treat of finding world-class cava at local prices – meaning just about anything we chose was both excellent and well affordable.

Beyond the classic 750ml bottles, I’m still stumped why they sell a 3-set of 200ml bottles as a popular option and normally offer cava glasses in sets of three as well. Maybe there is some special significance to this number, but we decided it is just another Spanish insurance policy in case party-goers get a little crazy and toss one into the fireplace.

We have discovered that we like Cava. It’s crisp and fresh and tastes of apples and citrus with tiny little bubbles. Not as sweet as Prosecco and not as dry and nutty as Champagne. And one of the many reasons we are happy to be celebrating a new year of adventure in Spain.

Originally published December 28, 2014, Zester Daily “A Spanish New Year’s Toast: Cava And A Dozen Grapes”

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