Currently Browsing: Caroline J. Beck 223 articles
7 Layer Salad-in-a-Jar
In this video, I share some simple steps for anybody who wants to learn to love salads by creating healthy balanced meals in a jar. So join me in my Mediterranean kitchen while we turn a classic 7-layer salad upside down and into a totally healthy version you can enjoy for lunch or dinner! You […]
Protein Explained
Wondering what all the fuss is about protein these days? Maybe because it’s the latest darling of fad diets so it’s getting lots of viral attention but all that attention doesn’t mean it’s well understood. But this video explains a little secret about what happens when you eat more than you need and other science-backed […]
10 Healthy Snack Ideas to Battle Bloating & Tummy Trouble
If you want to know how to get rid of bloating, here are 10 healthy snack ideas to battle bloating and tummy trouble. Just add these Mediterranean diet snacks to your everyday healthy gut diet and see a BIG improvement right away! If you are interested in learning all about it, just click on the […]
Soba Noodle, Tofu & Asparagus
This 15-minute healthy soba noodle, tofu and asparagus dinner is the perfect example of a gluten-free Mediterranean diet dinner that doesn’t have to be from the Mediterranean to be healthy, flavorful and filling. Flavors from all over the world are a perfect fit in the Mediterranean diet pyramid, especially when they are an easy, gluten-free […]
7 Top Ancient Whole Grains
Wondering how to add the healthy advantages of whole grains to your new Mediterranean diet way of eating? Let’s make it easy with my top 7 ancient grains and a few simple ways to sneak them into your daily meals. So if you are interested in learning all about it, just click on the video […]
You’re (Probably) Dehydrated!
Are you one of the 75% of Americans that are chronically dehydrated? Especially for seniors, it can be a dangerous condition that affects your overall health. Let’s dive into how to solve it and stay hydrated with 10 simple tips, that will help you watch out for dehydration symptoms and how to prevent them. Join […]
What to Know BEFORE Buying Olive Oil
When it comes to olive oil, everybody has questions about extra virgin vs. virgin, olive oil smoke point and how to avoid being scammed with fake stuff when you are trying to figure out what to buy. More than any other healthy ingredient, olive oil is at the core of the Mediterranean diet. It’s pretty […]