Currently Browsing: THE MAGAZINE 76 articles


Crazy, Combustible Fogueres

We got lucky today. The door to a little museum that I thought was closed for the season appeared open when walking around downtown Alicante. We stepped inside and found a crazy, amazing collection of figures, photos, posters and memorabilia from the late 1800s to the present day. The Museu de Fogueres is devoted entirely […]


Standing Sentry at the Castillo

Castillo de Santa Barbara has stood guard over the city of Alicante since its first incarnation around 900 AD. Over time, it has traded hands between the Romans, the Moors, the French and the British, but it could only truly belong to Spain. While we see the castle every night from our balcony, it required […]


Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride Through Southern Spain’s Countryside

There is an amusement park ride in Spain filled with roller coaster heights, hair-pin twists and turns, expansive views and dramatic moments. It is the local bus from Alicante to the UNESCO World Heritage renaissance cities of Ubeda and Baeza. For a mere 26 euros, you are treated to a seven-hour wild ride that trips […]

We’ve Finally Made It Official

We want to announce that we have finally taken the big step and have made it official. Yesterday, after three months of occasionally-challenging visits to City Hall, la Estacion de Policia and la Oficina de Extranjeros, we are holding our Tarjeta de Residencia cards in our happy little hands. While we are good to go […]


Merry-Go-Round of Tapas at Tickets

Have you ever had trouble remembering what you did last night? Our memory loss was not due to over imbibing, but it’s fair to say we might have overindulged just a tiny bit. We spent a really long evening at Albert Adria’s tapas restaurant, Tickets, in Barcelona. It may take six months planning to reserve […]


Tiny Tabarca’s Secret Season

For an islet known to offer hospitality to 2,000 visitors a day during the summer months, things are different just beyond the high season’s fringe in Tabarca, Spain. We were two of about 30 ferry passengers reaching port as another tour boat dropped off a few more. Despite perfectly sunny, warm weather, not many sightseers […]


Bodegas Castaño’s Casa de Cera

The final wine that accompanied our family-style farmhouse dinner in Yecla, Spain was Bodegas Castaño‘s Casa de Cera 2011. The intense fruit flavor of the family’s crown jewel was enough to win us over to a new grape varietal, monastrell. Wine aficionados might know it by its French or California moniker, Mourvedre, but it’s Spanish […]


Alicante’s Indigenous Grape: Monastrell

The first time I came across Monastrell, I only knew it as Chef María José San Román’s Michelin-starred restaurant in Alicante. Now, I realize that she was simply celebrating the best known local wine varietal by paying homage to the grape with that moniker. And if we had to find a way to learn about the grape […]


Enric Rosich’s Marvelous Macarons

Sometimes I think there must be a beacon on my head that guides me to amazing food finds when I least expect it. Like stumbling onto Enric Rosich‘s amazing, colorful, flavor-packed macaron shop in a shopping mall food court in Barcelona. Macarons? Spain? Yes to both. And I can attest that they are every bit as […]


Barcelona’s Welcome Mat

There was no specific name for the liquid that my Ecuadorian waiter, Señor Gonzalo Bravo, poured from an old nondescript bottle retrieved from the back of the restaurant at the end of my dinner. It tasted a bit like limoncello with a mysterious earthy twist. It was not a menu item, but a handcrafted after dinner drink […]

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